By Brendan Rees
Casey council will ask for nearly $7 million from the State Government for four community projects over the next two years.
This includes $2.5 million to develop a sports field at Tulliallan Estate in Cranbourne North.
Residents with left furious after a developer reneged on their plans to deliver a sporting and recreation grounds, instead opting to subdivide the land.
Casey council then stepped in, reaching an “agreement” to buy the land in July.
The estimated cost for the open space reserve project is $9.2 million. Council will contribute $2.5 million, but also wants $4.1 million from developer contributions.
The project, which is expected to start in 2020-21, will deliver one cricket oval, three soccer pitches, and a pavilion with community room, playground, car parking, shared paths, cricket nets and public art.
Residents’ spokeswoman Rebecca Hyland said the community was pleased plans were underway for their sports field.
“I very much appreciate the council for moving quickly on this and the community cannot wait to see them delivered and start using them,” she said.
Other projects on council’s funding wish list include Robert Booth Reserve, Cardinia Creek South Interim Early Years Facility, and the Cranbourne East Active Open Space Reserve Community Pavilion.
Casey councillor Gary Rowe said the funding was important to improve “amenity and liveability” as Casey was one of the fastest growing municipalities in the country.
“We’re going to need significant infrastructure growth which can’t all be funded from developers levy or rates, and the growing suburbs fund is key to the government assisting community like ours,” he said.
“Since its inception in 2015, Casey has received more than $25 million from this fund,” Cr Rowe said.
Cr Rowe added the residents of Tulliallan Estate “deserve their sporting facilities to be delivered quickly and promptly.”
Casey wants help from the State Government for (in priority order):
• Cranbourne North Active Open Space Reserve Community Pavilion (Tulliallan Estate)
Project cost: $9.2m, GSF request: $2.5m, Council contribution: $2.5m
• Robert Booth Reserve Social Hub (Master Plan implementation), Hampton Park
Project cost: $11.7m, GSF request: $1.3m, Council contribution: $7.1m.
• Cardinia Creek South Interim Early Years Facility (Pattersons Road, Clyde)
Project cost: $.5m, GSF request: $1.5m.
• Cranbourne East Active Open Space Reserve Community Pavilion (Selandra Estate)
Project cost: $9.8m, GSF request: $1.5m, Council contribution: $1.4m.