By Brendan Rees
A group of Devon Meadows residents are calling on Casey Council to seal a rural road they have described as dangerous and full of potholes.
A petition of 19 signatures was tabled at a council meeting on 3 September asking council to seal Worthing Road.
But angry ratepayers say they are against sharing the costs of fixing the road under council’s proposed Special Charge Scheme.
“Our rates are supposed to go towards the construction of new roads and maintenance of roads,” according to Bert Mallett, who started the petition.
“It’s not like we’re out in woop woop … we’re paying rates very similar or the same as residential guys living in the built up areas,” he said.
“It’s a just a general consensus out here that we’re not getting value for money paid to council.”
Balla Balla Ward councillor Geoff Ablett said once the costs were determined, landowners would be invited to attend a public meeting about the Special Charge Scheme process.
“Following the meeting, landowners will be surveyed to determine whether there is majority support for the proposed Special Charge Scheme,” Cr Ablett said.
“If there is majority support, council would then seek to formally levy the scheme and complete the works.”
Meanwhile Mr Mallett said his tyres had been ruined by the state of the road, and also expressed his concern for children’s safety going to school.
“They’ve either got to ride their bikes on the road or walk on the road … it’s pretty dangerous, he said.
He said the elderly who had lived in the area for more than 40 years wouldn’t be able to afford a levy.
“It’s better to have the cost on council because … they’ve collected all these dollars over the decades.”
Casey mayor Amanda Stapledon said the shared costs of the Special Charge Schemes would provide “special benefits” including better access and improved amenity.
“Council contributes a significant share of the total cost when the works will also be of benefit to the broader community,” she said.