By Danielle Kutchel
Students from Marnebek School visited their counterparts at Alkira Secondary College last month for a day of fun and collaboration.
The visit took place on Thursday 29 August and was organised as a part of the Alkira Intermediate VCAL students’ study on disability.
According to Alkira Intermediate VCAL student Phoebe, the Alkira students worked “in small groups to run different activities designed to engage and involve the Marnebek students in challenging learning activities.”
Some of the activities included engineering and building structures using spaghetti and marshmallows, telling stories to invoke laughter, and designing paper chatterboxes and aeroplanes.
The day’s final activity, musical statues and line dancing, “had everyone on their feet”, Phoebe said.
The friendship and discussions continued over morning tea and was followed by student-led tours of the Alkira campus, ending with a barbecue and group photo.
It was agreed that all of the students should meet up again in the future and build upon the relationships that were made during this visit.
Russell Green and Ann Barkby, ‘Community Connections’ helpers for Marnebek School, hailed the day as being well organised and thanked the Alkira VCAL students for “their caring and sensitive attitude and support for the Marnebek students.”