By Brendan Rees
This week is National Child Protection Week and the City of Casey wants the community to know that Council is committed to keeping all children in our city safe.
In support of the annual week, councillors are participating in White Balloon Day on Friday 6 September and their united message could not be clearer; protecting children from harm is a shared responsibility for everyone in our community.
“It’s a gesture that costs nothing but shows the Federal Government we are serious and passionate about child protection,” Casey mayor Amanda Stapledon said.
“As a Council we recognise that protecting children and preventing and responding to child abuse is an organisation-wide responsibility.
“We are serious about maintaining an empowering child safe culture and we recently adopted our revised Child Safety Policy, which was developed through consultation with the community.”
The Policy helps to inform the implementation of the Victorian Child Safe Standards across Council’s programs and services, where protecting children and preventing and responding to child abuse is embedded in the everyday thinking and practice of all Councillors, employees, contractors and volunteers.
“The City of Casey is leading the way in local government, putting the Victorian Child Safe Standards into practice and we are proud of the work done to date,” Cr Stapledon said.
“We’ve trained thousands of staff, contractors and volunteers, established and streamlined reporting procedures, reviewed and improved our recruitment practices and sought and implemented advice from expert organisations such as Child Wise, which are just a few steps on our journey.
“All children or young people who attend services, programs and events delivered by, and in spaces owned or managed by the City of Casey, have the right to feel and be safe.
To get involved visit whiteballoonday.com.au to make the pledge and support this initiative by posting a photo to social media holding up your hand with ‘Protect Kids’ written on it and use the hashtags: #WhiteBalloonDay #ProtectKids.
Find out more about the City of Casey’s commitment to children’s safety and view the Child Safety Policy.
Those needing support or advice can contact Bravehearts’ freecall Support Line on 1800 272 831, Monday to Friday, 8.30 am to 4.30 pm or visit the Bravehearts website.