By Brendan Rees
Students of Alkira Secondary College in Cranbourne North have taken a visible stance against bullying on Friday 15 March.
The school took to the oval with an orange chain containing hand written messages from students with their pledge against bullying as part of the national day of action against bullying and violence.
Principal John Shaw said the gathering of students on the oval was symbolic of how strongly the school believes in the message of ‘Stand up against bullying….don’t stand by.’
“We recognise that bullying in school is a major issue for students,” he said.
“We remain committed to making positive interventions to ensure every member of the school community feels safe and secure and has the opportunity to grow and make positive experiences.
“The power to stop bullying is not with the principal or with the teachers it is with every student in the school,” he told students on the day.
“I am proud that Alkira is a place where our students do show respect, integrity, care and excellence,” Mr Shaw added.