Ball boy lives his dream

Aadith in action on court. 189906_01

By Brendan Rees

Aadith Dhinakaran was on the ball at this year’s Australian Open.

The 13-year-old lived his childhood dream by rubbing shoulders with the world’s best players during the tournament held from January 14-27.

“I just really liked the experience,” he said.

“The first time I was on court it was nerve-racking but as I went I settled down.”

Aadith, of Hampton Park, said he was “surprised to be picked” after missing out last year.

Aadith said he was excited to be in the presence of Japanese player Naomi Osaka, who went on to win the women’s single title.

His favourite player is Roger Federer but unfortunately wasn’t able to see him play, but said a highlight was being on Margaret Court Arena.

Aadith got to take home souvenirs including a free blue tooth speaker and earphones, jumper, towel, and cap.