Join in a Christmas spirit walk

Senior Pastor Kerrigan La-Brooy and his family are encouraging the community to join in a walk to help fundraise the Clyde Chrsitmas Carols. 175270_03

By Brendan Rees

It’s time to lace up your Santa boots and join the Gethsemane Church for a walk to help fund-raise their Clyde Carols Candlelight event.

Senior Pastor Kerrigan La-Brooy said while the carols event was free for the public to attend, it cost the church about $20,000 to run.

A GoFundMe page has been set up to raise as much money as possible.

“Most of this needs to be paid upfront to secure the requirements of stage, lights, sound, insurance, security, ambulance, advertising, traffic control and cleaning,” he said.

“Rather than simply accepting sponsorships, we’re putting ourselves out there and working for it – or in this case ‘walking’ for it.”

The walk starts at 8am on Saturday 17 November at 10 Blake Street Berwick, with five meeting points including the Old Cheese Factory, Casey Central, Berwick Springs Lake, Brentwood Park and Eden Rise, and Hillcrest Christian College.

Pastor La-Brooy said walkers can complete the whole 30km or individual legs with an estimated finish time of 3pm.

“Naturally this could be up to an hour later, depending on weather conditions, physical endurance and en-route delays,” he said.

The Clyde Carols by Candlelight will be held on Saturday 1 December from 5.30pm to 9.30pm at the Hillcrest Christian College Oval.

Fun includes free kid’s amusements, free carnival rides, sausage sizzle, food vendors, raffle prizes, free giveaways, Santa aboard a fire truck, and Christmas Carols.

To donate visit