By Brendan Rees
Ladies Probus Club of Cranbourne members have celebrated a milestone 30 years of friendship and fellowship.
About 35 people attended a birthday lunch held at Amstel Club in Cranbourne on Thursday 4 October.
The club was founded in 1988 and of the 50 founding members, only four remain including president Ivy Watson, Edie Tyrus, Merle Watson and Carol Lewis.
Past president Arlene Trevethan presented the ladies with flowers and a foundation membership badge to mark the special occasion.
President Ivy Watson said it was a wonderful day where all members worked to ensure the day was a success.
A few Elvis numbers and classical hits were also performed by member Heather.
“All of the ladies wore pearls for occasion to celebrate 30 years. Our cake was also decorated with pearls,” she said.
“Lunch tables were beautifully decorated with table centres and more pearls.”
Ms Page said “The club’s motto is: There are no strangers here only friends we have yet to meet.”
The club meets at Amstel Golf Club on the first Thursday of each month at 10am where new members are welcome to attend.
For enquiries contact secretary Merle Watson on 5996 7859.