Three…ways to quit smoking

1. Build a plan

Set a quit date and use that as your target. It helps to have a clear goal in your mind; one that you can remember. As the date approaches, do a cigarette detox of your personal and home environments. Round up all the ashtrays, all the loose cigarettes, all the lighters and throw them away – remove any reminders of cigarettes from your life.

2. Consider risky situations

Understanding your triggers and the situations that drive you to cigarettes will help you to quit successfully. If you’re used to having a cigarette with a wine, avoid Friday night drinks to begin with. Swap your habit of smoking with a good habit – when a craving strikes instead of lighting up, go for a walk, grab a glass of water, or call a friend.

3. Choose your methods

Decide on the quitting approach that will work best for you. There are heaps of products, books, courses and methods out there. Quit Victoria recommends combining a nicotine replacement therapy patch with another nicotine replacement therapy product such as lozenges, spray or gum and also coaching from Quitline 13 7848.