Casey’s bold plan to tackle family violence

Casey Choir perform at Bunjil Place. 183093_01

Casey Council has launched its Family Violence Prevention Strategy to ensure people feel safer in their homes, neighbourhoods and public spaces.

The Strategy was formally launched at an event held at Bunjil Place on Monday 23 July and is a four-year strategic plan that identifies family violence as a significant safety issue within the municipality, and aims to provide an inclusive, safe and connected community, where council services and facilities are driven by community needs.

City of Casey Mayor Cr Geoff Ablett said the strategy provides direction for Council and public health organisations to work together with the community to create environments that support everyone to minimise family violence.

“The City of Casey is committed to creating a safe and inclusive city where women and children are safe, respected and thriving, in an environment free from family violence,” he said.

“In March we held a forum for our community to provide their input into the direction of the strategy, which has also informed the action plan.

Cr Ablett said council must work to create healthy, safe and inclusive communities.

“For the past five years, the City of Casey has consistently had the highest number of reported family violence incidents among all Victorian municipalities. In the City of Casey alone, 4730 family incidents were dealt with by Victoria Police last year,” Cr Ablett said.

“Council has had a longstanding commitment to promoting gender equity and preventing family violence. We have now developed this bold and innovative Family Violence Prevention Strategy and Action Plan for our city, which demonstrates our strong commitment to the prevention of family violence in the Casey community and more broadly.”