Saving lives is in their blood

Cops roll up their sleeves to give blood. 183222_01

By Brendan Rees

Cranbourne police have rolled up their sleeves for a good cause.

Five police members donated their blood at the Balla Balla Community Centre in Cranbourne as part of the 2018 Australian Red Cross’ Emergency Services Blood Challenge.

Police, Fire, Ambulance and the SES are again competing by service and state to give the most blood donations during the challenge which is run from 1 June – 31 August

Sergeant Travis Cusack of Cranbourne Police said Victoria Police took the honors last year and hoped to back it up with another win this year.

“Last year, an amazing 9422 donations were made altogether. Since each donation saves up to three lives, that’s up to 28266 lives saved,” he said.

“Members involved will look to continue their donations on a three-month basis when the blood bank re-visits next.”

If you would like to donate blood please visit