What’s on this weekend

Snapshots of Australia Walking Tour: Travel through the landscapes of Australia with an experienced guide while taking in the sights, sounds and smells of this unique continent. This tour provides you with a snapshot of the very best of the Australian Garden. • Saturday 7 July and Sunday 7 July from 11am - 12pm, at Royal Botanic Gardens Cranbourne, corner Ballarto Road and Botanic Drive, Cranbourne. Telephone: 9252 2429. Website: http://rbg.vic.gov.au. Cost: $7.50 adult, $6.50 concession and child.

F.U.N. with Bluegrass

Come along to the first in a series of three events comprising two workshops and one performance facilitated by local Bluegrass band, Jose and the Amigos. This first workshop will introduce and demonstrate performance skills specially in the Bluegrass style. The second workshop, held on Saturday 21 July will consolidate skills learnt previously and include a jam session. The third event, also held on Saturday 21 July provides a performance opportunity for participants.

• Saturday 7 July 2018 from 1pm – 3pm at 41 Lesdon Ave, Cranbourne. Free entry.

Nrityataranga Dance Academy

Bharata Natyam (Indian Classical dance classes) for all age groups 5-year-old onwards.

• Sunday 8 July from 6pm – 7pm at 7-9 Selandra Boulevard, Clyde North. Organiser: Swapna Bhide. Mobile: 0438 055 701

Strip Art Show July

SECAN (South East Contemporary Art Network) presents the 2018 Strip Art Show exhibition. This exhibition is produced by SECAN members and is an annual event open to artists aged 18 years and over. The Strip Art Show exhibition features art work that is created in a strip format.

• Saturday 7 July and Sunday 8 July from 11am – 5pm at Gate 6 Art Gallery, 3 Cardinia Street, Berwick. Free entry.