Man ‘bolts’ after being spotted

An image of the man seen at the Pearcedale home. Picture: CONTRIBUTED

By Brendan Rees

A Pearcedale woman claims she scared off a would-be intruder after a man allegedly jumped her fence and into her front yard of her home.

Brenda, who asked not reveal her surname, was at her Charles Drive home when she saw the man from her front window on Monday, 25 June about 10.25am.

“He’s walked down my driveway and I’ve caught this movement out the corner of my eye,” she said.

“He looked left and right, so he’s obviously looking to not be noticed. If he hadn’t of climbed the fence I wouldn’t have really noticed him to tell you the truth.

“I’ve opened my front door and he’s bolted,” she said.

“I’ve gone out and I’m thinking where’s he gone, he just vanished, he must have hidden in a tree.”

It terms of looking for him, she said: “It felt a bit creepy but I was still persistent.”

Brenda says went back inside her home and checked her CCTV footage which captured the incident.

The man can be seen running into the front yard of her next door neighbour’s property.

“To think that he was still there was really quite awful,” she said.

According to Brenda, a white car pulled up opposite her home in the footage: “He’s run from my next door neighbour’s hiding space and run out to the car and hopped in the back door and they’ve driven off.”

“Maybe he was casing the place out and would come back later,” she said.

Brenda posted images of the incident on Facebook’s Casey Crime Page in the hope to alert others.

Police have urged anyone to call triple zero if they spot any suspicious activity at their properties.