Kids let their hair down

Noah goes green in his wacky hair do. 180737_07

By Brendan Rees

Lego men had to come to the rescue for a grade one student last week after his hair caught fire at Tooradin Primary School.

Luckily, it was a false alarm as the red flames on Rohan’s hair had been sprayed on.

His wacky hairstyle was one of many creations embraced by students who took part in Crazy Hair Day on Friday 29 June.

From hair filled with mini toadstools, sparkly pipe cleaners and glitter, to an octopus, cupcakes, trolls, waves with sharks and surfers, tropical beach with palm tree, coloured hair spray, and unicorn horns, the eccentric dos were boundless.

Grade one Teacher Lauren Skitt said the day celebrated the end of term two with students and parents putting their creative talents to work.

“The whole school community came together for a grand parade where students were able to display their wide variety of hair styles,” she said.

“Some of the students and parent must have got up very early before school to spray, comb, tease, shape and preen their amazing hair creations.

“It is always a great way to end the term before the mid-year break, bringing a great deal of excitement to the chilly winter day,” Ms Skitt said.

“The endless ideas for Crazy Hair Day are always impressive and bring a smile to everyone’s face”.

The day also helped raise funds for the students to attend the Frankston Arts Centre where the school will hold its school production in October.