What’s on this weekend

Habitat Gardening Workshop: Cranbourne Friends RBG Victoria Inc invites the community to participate in a Gardening workshop which goes well beyond learning just about plants. The Workshop will explore the special relationships between plants and animals of all kinds that can help to make your garden really come alive. AB Bishop, will be our keynote speaker. She has just finished writing a book on the subject of this workshop which will be published later this year. AB will also be interviewing some habitat gardeners about their experiences in developing Habitat Gardens. Other guest speakers will be horticulturalists Broni Swartz, Emmaline Bowman, and Rodger Elliot. As a special highlight, we will finish the day by visiting ‘The Whisper Garden’ of Shari Judges and David Duncan which shares a boundary with the Cranbourne Gardens. • Sunday 29 April from 9.30am-4.00pm at the Australian Garden Auditorium, Cranbourne Gardens. Members $60. Non-members $75. Students $30. Bookings are essential; to book, go to www.rbgfriendscranbourne.org.au. Queries: Rodger Elliot 8774 2483; 0448 103 892.
What’s on this weekend
Plant sale Narre Warren North Uniting Church holding a giant autumn plant sale. Loads of plants, Devonshire tea, and sausage […]