Members of the City of Casey’s equestrian community are saddling up for a big night next Thursday, as Council presents the inaugural Casey Equestrian Workshop.
Visitors will have a chance to guide the future direction of the sport in Casey, discuss trails, facilities and inform Council about what is needed to ensure the sustainability of equestrian in Casey.
Feedback from the community at the forum will ensure the desires of the Casey equestrian community are reflected in future decisions regarding the sport in Casey.
Guest speaker Matthew Brown, CEO of Equestrian Victoria will also be presenting on the State Facilities Plan and what it means for the City of Casey.
City of Casey Mayor Cr Geoff Ablett has thrown his support behind the initiative and said it’s vital that Council prioritises the needs of the equestrian community.
“This workshop will help create a new vision for equestrian within Casey and will inform the review of Councils Equestrian Strategy,” said Cr Ablett.
“Council will continue to drive the implementation of the Equestrian Strategy and other key matters within this space, with the assistance of the wider equestrian community’s input, through fantastic events such as this workshop.
“Council is also committed to promoting Council’s strategic direction and ensuring equestrian routes and activities are advocated for within future Precinct Structure Plans.”
The Casey Equestrian Workshop will take place for free from 6pm until 8.30pm on Thursday 12 April in the Bunjil Place Function Centre.
Council encourages anyone who would like to have their input into the future of the sport to come along and have their say.
For more information and to register head to caseyconversations/equestrian-workshop.