With Brian Rollason, owner of Brian’s Gourmet Meats in Lyndhurst
1. What is something people don’t know about you? I have five beautiful children and five gorgeous cheeky grandchildren!
2. What was your most memorable moment? With nine mates and my son overlooking the Grand Canyon while on our Route 66 Road trip.
3. What’s the best thing about being being a butcher? You get to meet a lot of interesting people.
4. What is your favorite movie? Enemy of the State with Will Smith and Gene Hackman.
5. What’s the funniest thing you have seen or heard in your shop? A funny story in my shop many years ago. We had a regular customer who always wanted to smell the lamb’s fry before she bought it to make sure it was fresh. So one of my butchers was presenting the lamb’s fry to her, holding it on his hand and was trying to put it directly under her nose. She came down as he went up and smack, bang lamb’s fry right in her face!!!
6. At school I……At high school I wasn’t the best student, I just wanted to work and earn money. At the time I had a part time job in a butcher shop as a clean up boy which then led to an apprenticeship.
7. If you could play in any sporting event world-wide ,what would it be? Moto GP, love motorbikes, actually lets go crazier, Aisle of Mann.
8. Which six dinner guests dead or alive, would you invite to dinner? For dinner I would have Mick Doohan, Michael Schumacher, Muhammad Ali, Bruce Lee, Elvis Presley and John Lennon.
9. What’s something you love to throw on the BBQ or cook in the oven? I love to cook a trio of Meats which is a combination of a rib eye of beef, pork fillet, lamb back strap trussed up into a roll and covered in pork crackle! By the way we do sell these by special order!!
10. Best concert you have been to? Haha back in my day, Jesus Christ Superstar.