By Brendan Rees
For 10 years, it’s been home to a group of men who love nothing more than to share a yarn over a cuppa.
Established in 2008 as a safe place for men to share stories and build friendships, the OM:NI (Older Men New Ideas) Men’s Discussion Group at the Balla Balla Community Centre in Cranbourne celebrated its 10th anniversary on 13 March.
“This group attracts men from various professions with the skills and experience to ensure discussions are thought provoking with an interest to all in an informative and private atmosphere,” said Manager of the Balla Balla Community Centre Maree Cullinan.
The day was celebrated with a birthday cake, with much discussion and laughter.
“Some men came back who started 10 years ago, and others who have been involved throughout that time,” Ms Cullinan said.
“The men in this group support one another, share stories and experiences and in general have lots of fun.”
There are currently five Men’s Discussion Groups in the Casey and Cardinia regions.
These are Narre Warren, Cranbourne, Berwick, Beaconsfield, and Pakenham, with another four groups proposed in the region within the next two years.
Ms Cullinan said the groups were set up in recognition of the unique issues faced by many men as they approached or entered retirement.
For information on a group near you please contact John Doutch 0431 844 833 or Brian Regan 0408 545 984.