By Brendan Rees
The Narre Warren and District Family History Group and the Local History Archive for Casey Cardinia
have moved into a purpose-designed premises at Cranbourne Library.
Casey Cardinia Libraries’ CEO Chris Buckingham said the archive could be accessed through the local history librarian, Heather Arnold, who loves helping people find answers to their questions. “She has the best job in the world, which is helping people discover their past.”
“We have always been proud to have such expertise and resources on tap in our region. If you’ve ever thought about tracing your family tree but have no idea how to go about it – the Narre Warren and District Family History Group is definitely the best place to start,” he said.
Ms Arnold said: “Discoveries and libraries go hand-in-hand and we look forward to welcoming everyone as they travel the pathway to their own personal discoveries.”
The community is welcome to celebrate the big move on 17 October at 10.30am at Cranbourne Library, 65 Berwick-Cranbourne Road.