By Brendan Rees
How do you like your coffee? Espresso, macchiato, latte or cappuccino? When it comes to Coffee with a Cop, Casey residents were spoilt for choice.
Community members shared a brew and their views with police on Wednesday 4 October as part of National Coffee with a Cop Day, which was hosted by Donut King at Cranbourne Park.
Casey Community Engagement Officer Acting Sergeant Laura Carter said the hour-long event was hosted by cafes at shopping centres across Casey, Cardinia and Greater Dandenong.
“It’s an opportunity for the community to meet their local police, ask questions, voice concerns and just have a chat – all over a free cup of coffee,” she said.
Sgt Carter said Cranbourne Park hosted monthly events, usually on the last Wednesday of the month, and will be hosting again on the 26 October.