By Victoria Stone-Meadows
Former City of Casey mayor Janet Halsall has successfully completed a 200km walking tour of the municipality and raised almost $30,000 for the Cancer Council.
Ms Halsall stopped at community events and fund-raisers in more than 20 suburbs in the City of Casey during her 10-day walking tour.
“It was so good to catch up with community groups during the walk, and the visits were an absolute highlight,” she said.
“People talked to me about their cancer experiences and when the going got tough for me, thinking about their experiences helped me to keep going.”
While Ms Halsall said the support from across all the communities of Casey was outstanding, she was particularly impressed with the Easter she spent with a local Afghan community.
“I would particularly like to thank the members of the Afghan community who on Good Friday shared a traditional meal with me organised by Ishaq Sadath,” Ms Halsall said.
“They were so generous and supportive, and I was thrilled with their generosity and hospitality.”
“It was all about the cancer fund-raising and cancer research and about awareness raising which these sorts of interactions and conversations are so important for people with English as a second language.”
Ms Halsall said she also wanted to extend special thanks to councillor Amanda Stapledon who organised a number of the community events and Ms Halsall’s husband who supported her through her journey.
The fund-raising goal for the Casey Walk for a Cure is $30,000 and at the end of the walk Ms Halsall has raised $28,500.
The small shortfall has not dampened her spirits and she has planned a final reception to mark the end of the walk and to reach the fund-raising goal.
“I’m lucky enough to have council hosting a finishing reception on Friday 28 April for all the supporters, organisers and sponsors,” she said.
“I am hoping some people might put in a little bit more then and perhaps reach the total.”
Anyone who wishes to donate to the cause can do so via Ms Halsall’s Facebook page by searching “Casey Walk for a Cure.”