Craft and activities galore

Jaylen and Mitch being photographed on the ipad by Cody. 160456 Pictures: STEWART CHAMBERS

By Victoria Stone-Meadows

CRANBOURNE South Primary School celebrated Children’s Week last month with a day of crafts and creativity.
Teacher Karen Halket said the activities that they planned for Children’s Week worked in with their curriculum as well as wider themes about children in general.
“We have a guided inquiry program we use here that is all about activities or tasks focused around content-based learning and values-based learning,” she said.
“The focus of our Children’s Week activities was children: speak, play, discovery, health, and safety.”
The children engaged in activities like putting on plays, nature craft and using computers to produce multimedia presentations.
“The children had a great time,” Ms Halket said.
“They have been writing recounts about it and how it was a great day.”