A PAINTING of black cockatoos took out the top prize at this month’s Great Art Show.
Provenance Art staged the show at Nossal High School, Berwick.
Paintings, drawings and sculptures were enjoyed by a steady flow of people over the weekend of 18 and 19 September.
The show was opened on Friday night by Sir Gustav Nossal.
The judges this year were Geoff Sargeant, a renowned local artist specialising in coloured pencil, and Sam Michelle, a Berwick painter, both award winners in their own right.
The Best Painting in Show award went to Deborah Polman for her Carnaby Cockatoos which the judges praised as a “wonderfully thought out and well executed contemporary painting”.
Best Oil Painting award went to Zoe Panagiotopoulos for The Guarded Heart and Best Oil for an emerging artist went to Jenni Miller for Beyond.
Best Acrylic award went to Brad Trembath for Kookaburra and Best Acrylic by an Emerging Artist went to Trevor Plane for Rose N Shine.
Best Watercolour award and shield went to Julie Goldspink for Red Beauty.
Best Pastel award went to Julie Ricketts for Lemon and Green Glass, Best Scratchboard to Carol Gorenko for Honeyeater Heaven and Best Column of Petits went to Elizabeth Thomson.
Best Multicultural Art of the World went to Lynette Armstrong for Song Lines of Culture Lorikeets.
Best Work by a Student Artist award and Provenance Trophy went to Jasmine Colbert for Rocky Shore.