CASEY and Cardinia schools are set to receive a slice of $50 million in the State Government’s shared facilities fund.
The funds will target schools in Victoria’s growth areas and help to establish community hubs with libraries, sports facilities, performing arts centres and early learning centres to be shared with the wider community.
Minister for Education James Merlino launched the fund on Tuesday 13 September.
The fund will establish similar facilities with councils and organisations such as universities, community and sports organisations, which will be able to apply for funding to build community facilities on school sites.
“Facilities shared between schools and communities help bring together our neighbourhoods,” Mr Merlino said.
“They make services more accessible for everyone and help create a sense of community pride and value in our schools.”
Applications for the shared facilities fund can be made online by visiting: https://manage.smartygrants.com.au/programs.
Applications close on 18 November.