THE City of Casey has introduced a new permit for anyone planning to undertake building or demolition works in the region.
Residents will now have to apply for an ‘Asset Protection Permit’ prior to starting works.
The council introduced the new local law in August, saying the new regulation will help to protect community infrastructure from damage.
Casey mayor Sam Aziz said the local law was introduced to protect community assets such as footpaths, roads, nature strips, stormwater drains and vegetation from damage due to private building works.
“Prior to commencing building or demolition work, an owner, builder or appointed contractor must apply for an Asset Protection Permit and pay a minimum security bond of $1000.
“If damage happens to occur, council can now more easily recover the costs of repair from permit holders, rather than ratepayers bearing the costs,” Cr Aziz said.
Building works that might require a permit include construction of a dwelling, unit, garage, pool house, building, demolition or removal of a structure, extension or alterations to a dwelling, construction of a swimming pool or spa, commercial or industrial development and structural or civil works.
Anyone who is planning on undertaking building work in Casey is encouraged to visit www.casey.vic.gov.au/assetprotectionpermit
The permit process has been made fully digital through the councils ‘Digital Casey Strategy’.