FOUR Cranbourne schools have received cash thanks to Lynbrook Village Shopping Centre.
The centre launched its inaugural Cash 4 Classrooms program at the end of May.
Shoppers earned one point for every dollar spent at Lynbrook Village and were invited to pledge their points to the school of their choice.
The four schools with the highest number of points were awarded cash bonuses.
Lynbrook Village Centre manager Maree Abbott presented $3000 to Lynbrook Primary School, $2000 to St Francis de Sales Primary School, $1000 to St Kevin’s Primary School and $500 to St Therese’s.
“Schools are always looking for ways to raise funds and this was an excellent opportunity for shoppers to earn points to support the participating school of their choice and for Lynbrook Village to give back to the community,” Ms Abbott said.
Lynbrook Primary will use it’s donation to fund well-being initiatives arising from the school’s student forum and purchase a friendship seat and uniforms for the school’s ‘Friendship Makers’ program.
St Francis de Sales will use its $2000 to purchase fruit trees to establish an orchard for its community garden.
At St Kevin’s the money will help support the school’s bike education program.
“We have raised funds for a number of bikes, helmets and hairnets. We have had a number of teachers trained and are working with the City of Casey and RACV to implement the program. Some of the children will be riding their own bikes and as this program will be ongoing we will need multiple bike racks. The initial cost is around $4500 and so the $1000 will be very helpful,” principal Annie Miers said.