One un-holey mess

Tooradin Primary School parents and students and local resident Chelle McArthur inspecting the state of Bayview Road. 155562 Picture: GARRY SISSONS


DOZENS of potholes dot the drop off and pick up zone outside the Tooradin Primary School, and according to locals it’s been a “muddy mess” for more than 21 years.
But the City of Casey say they are awaiting a response from the Department of Education and Training (DET) before action can be taken on sealing Bayview Road.
A constant debacle for locals and school parents alike, the road has become a hot topic on social media page, the Tooradin Newsboard.
Comments from early June read:
Jaimi: I started Prep in 1995 and it was an issue in wet times back then – much less traffic then too. We just used the inlet gate even if it was further to walk for us.
Carmel: It hasn’t been graded for months, the potholes are damaging cars, one side of the road is undrivable, it’s messy and dirty out the front of a school that everyone uses at least twice a day. This is not acceptable.
Tooradin Primary School principal Zania Cope told The News: “I’m aware of the problem and we’re working towards a long-term solution”.
But the wait is proving disheartening for Tooradin resident Chelle McArthur, who lives off Bayview Road.
“The road is an absolute disgrace with potholes the size of swimming pools, it’s a muddy mess,” Ms McArthur said.
“A new estate has just gone in on the corner of Bayview Road and Sambur Avenue which has created more traffic and this road should have been sealed when this estate went in.”
David Richardson from the City of Casey advised that sealing the road is being investigated by the council.
“The council’s policy is that benefiting landowners fund the construction of sealed roads,” Mr Richardson said.
“The cost to seal Bayview Road would be shared between DET for Tooradin Primary School, council, who would contribute over 50 per cent of the cost, and the abutting property owners.
“The council has been in discussions with DET about a contribution to the sealing works, car parking and footpath associated with the school use.”
He added that: “Progress on the project and the scope of it will be dependent on the response of DET”.