ROADS, sporting precincts, Bunjil Place and rate capping are all on the agenda in the City of Casey’s 2016-17 draft budget while some projects are to be put on ice.
The draft budget, which is open for community consultation until Tuesday 21 June, outlined $154 million on infrastructure and details of works on five Casey roads.
The council announced a 3.47 per cent rate rise – 0.97 per cent above the state-imposed rates cap – which is subject to approval by the Essential Services Commission on Wednesday 25 May.
If approved, homeowners will pay on average $53 more a year on rates and waste charges.
Works will be carried out on Valetta Street in Clyde, Craig Road from North Road to Baxter-Tooradin Road in Devon Meadows, Smiths Lane from Browns Road to Robinsons Road in Cranbourne South and North Road from Fisheries Road to the South Gippsland Highway in Devon Meadows.
Heather Grove at the Casey Fields Boulevard intersection in Cranbourne East will be upgraded.
The council’s website will be redesigned and a new business innovation fund will be started.
Casey council has drafted funds to deliver a netball and basketball redevelopment at Casey Indoor Leisure Centre and construction of Bradman Drive Soccer and Cricket Recreation facility.
The Mayor confirmed that the council had undertaken a new valuation of rateable properties from 1 January 2016.
Mayor Sam Aziz said: “All councils in Victoria are required to undertake this valuation every two years to update the council’s measure of how much a property is worth.
“Valuations are independently certified by the Valuer-General and revaluations do not generate extra revenue for the council.”
Casey council will consider written submissions and adopt the budget at a special council meeting on Tuesday 28 June.
To view the draft budget visit: www.caseyconversations.com.au/budget.