DONATING a winter woolly means food in your tummy at Cranbourne Park for the Salvation Army’s Red Shield Appeal.
Customers who help keep the community warm this winter will be thanked by the centre with a free lunch or cup of coffee.
Cranbourne Park is encouraging shoppers to give to those in need from Friday 20 May to Sunday 29 May.
Customers who donate an item between 10am and 2pm will receive a $15 voucher towards lunch at any restaurant in the centre’s restaurant precinct.
Winter goods can be anything from a coat, boots, scarf, sleeping bag or a thermos.
The voucher is valid for the first 70 people each day.
Any donations received after that will receive a complimentary coffee voucher.
The donation booth will be located in the restaurant precinct and the winter items must be in good condition and will go to the Cranbourne Salvation Army.