Super hero Hayley stands out

Good Guys Cranbourne manager Matthew Hitchings and Jaimi Allen with super hero Hayley Kelly. 152589 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS

CRANBOURNE West Primary School has a super kid in its midst.
Grade 5 student Hayley Kelly was nominated by her school and has been announced as a national finalist in the inaugural Good Guys Super Kid Awards.
Hayley was awarded a Samsung tablet, and will go into the national draw to win $10,000 from The Good Guys to support her educational growth and development.
The Super Kid program aimed at children aged six to 12 recognises youngsters who have demonstrated their inner super hero strengths and capabilities- which is exactly what Hayley does every day, according to step-mum, Alyce Pearson.
“Hayley is always helping her teachers with whatever they need, she volunteers and gives out sandwiches and fruit in the brunch club, she plays ukulele at the school and is also in the choir,” Alyce said.
“She is mature, responsible, confident and very friendly, and we are so proud of her.”
However, this isn’t the first time Cranbourne West Primary School has put Hayley forward for an award.
“Hayley won the Victorian Holt Community Spirit and Leadership award last year,” Alyce said.
Matthew Hitchings from Cranbourne Good Guys said he was proud to recognise and celebrate Australia’s super kids within the local community.
“The Super Kid Awards program honours kids and the super hero qualities that they have used to benefit their peers and local community,” Matthew said.
A Super School Award is also up for grabs, the winner will receive $10,000 to develop a specialist program focusing on education and well-being.