Take 10

With Cranbourne CISS executive officer Leanne Petrides

What is something people don’t know about you?
I could tell you, but then it would be common knowledge and not as much fun!

What has been the most memorable moment of your life?
I have been lucky enough to have many memorable moments, but floating on my back in Lake Argyle in the Kimberley, watching the sunset with a glass of champagne while checking out the crocodiles was pretty special!

What would your last meal be?
Slow cooked roast shoulder of lamb, lots of delicious roast potatoes, vegies and gravy, followed by as much baked cheesecake as I can squeeze in.

If you could witness any event, past, present or future, what would it be?
I would have loved to have been in Germany on 9 November 1989 to see the Berlin Wall coming down.

What is your favourite television show?
It would be a toss-up between Dr Who, and Game of Thrones.

What is your favourite book?
I know I’m cheating, but I love to read so I’m going to say my Kindle! (That way I can read as many books as I like at the one time).

You are hosting a dinner party and can invite six guests, dead or alive. Who would they be?
My hubby, Barack Obama, JK Rowling, Karl Marx, Maya Angelou, and Beyonce (every dinner party needs entertainment!)

What was your most embarrassing moment?
I’m embarrassed to admit that I have had lots of awkward moments, but falling over in my own office yesterday and sinking into a pile of backpacks while carrying a big box was the most recent one.

If you could live in a particular era, which would you choose?
Right now.

What was the first or best concert you have ever attended?
Robbie Williams (twice!).

Anyone can be a Take Ten subject and give their answers to our list of light-hearted questions. To take part email the News at dailyeditor@starnewsgroup.com.au or phone Georgia Westgarth on 5945 0612 or Lachlan Moorhead on 5945 0613.