Slow wind is a blow for race

Thirty-eight yachts took off to race around French Island on Saturday 20 February.


IT’S one of the biggest sail boat races in Victoria and even with slow to no wind, it manages to bring in the crowds, yachts and record seekers.
The Warneet Motor Yacht Club’s Around French Island Race (WAFIR) brought competitors from Geelong to Gippsland and in its 41st year the race attracted 38 boats and one wind surfer.
Club commodore Michael Obrien said the numbers were up 50 per cent on last year.
“It was a huge, successful day and a boat from the Hastings Yacht Club Mahal Bangker won on the day with the fastest time of six hours, 42 minutes and 47 seconds,” Mr Obrien said.
Boats set off from Warneet on Saturday 20 February from 8am.
But due to a drop in wind, the course had to be shortened.
“Our slower boats leave at 8am and the faster ones at 8.15am to keep it fair and because we have to finish up by 6pm and due to light winds we brought the finish line up to Hastings,” he said.
“Our slowest boat came in at 10 hours and 15 minutes.”
Trophies were engraved in Tooradin as boats sailed into Hastings and a presentation ceremony was held at the Warneet Motor Yacht Club after the big day.
However the day didn’t go to plan for keen wind surfer Simon Chambers who was on a mission to break a record and achieve his long-term dream.
“I was out on the water for about two and a half hours and the wind dropped to absolutely nothing so I had to make the call to come in, but it was the safer option,” Mr Chambers said.
With six litres of water on board and an array of lollies to get him through, Mr Chambers said he has learnt a lot for his next attempt around French Island.
“Next time I will take off from Blind Bight instead of Warneet and I will keep trying until I get around, it’s on the bucket list,” he said.