Thieves steal free food

The truck serving up food for people in need.


THE food is given away free of charge to anyone that needs it four times a week – but thieves decided to steal it anyway.
About $500 worth of two minute noodles, muesli bars and food to go was stolen from the Cranbourne Regional Uniting Church food truck on Sunday 13 December.
The Reverend Wendy Snook said the fallout from the “sad” incident is long term and the church is still recovering from the incident a month on.
“It’s just really sad that people feel they have to attack something that’s there for the community,” Rev Snook said.
“And, really, it’s the poor of Cranbourne who have suffered the most because the money we’d usually put toward them in free food, coats for winter and toiletries is being used to set up security for the truck.”
The food truck, which is kept on the church’s premises, is believed to have been broken into using bolt cutters about 4am.
And repair and security costs will total about $1000.
“Our special light, which runs off the truck battery, was taken, the wiring that was on the roof of the truck which lights up our security lighting was pulled out,” Rev Snook said.
“And it’s been the amount of damage done to the vehicle that’s cost the most, not replacing the food.”
The truck has been operating in Cranbourne for three years and feeds up to 100 people a week.
Fortunately, basic repairs could be made which allowed the truck to continue its work the next night.
“It’s the first time it’s happened… maybe they had the midnight munchies,” Rev Snook said.
The City of Casey has given the church an emergency grant to help with the immediate costs and Rev Snook said the church will add extra security cameras.
If anyone has information on the incident they are urged to contact Cranbourne police on 5991 0600.