SENSELESS vandalism has affected Casey-South Melbourne for the second time in a month.
Casey-South Melbourne Cricket Club will have to foot another bill to fix its sight screens following an attack on Friday night – with the mesh jumped on repeatedly and kicked out of the moveable frame.
Club president Ross Hibbins said it could cost the club $3000 to repair the sight screens or $15,000 to replace both after the attacks, and the club was saddened to find its facilities damaged once again.
“It’s disappointing to have a few people sabotage that – not just for us, but for everyone,” Hibbins said.
“To have something like this happen is disappointing and demoralising a little bit, but we just need to accept the fact that with some of the attitudes around these days, it’s unfortunately happening and we have to find a way of either stopping it or living with it.
“Unfortunately, when you’re a bit demoralised you look towards living with it instead.”
Friday night’s attack followed a similar act of vandalism on Melbourne Cup Day which damaged the club’s other sight screen.
“The first one got smashed Cup Day and then we’ve just gone and purchased some stuff to fix the old one- put some more mesh on it – and Friday we got there and saw the second one was smashed,” Hibbins said.
“There’s no point putting the mesh on the other one now.
“We’ll have to try and work out a way to live with that thing happening around Casey Fields and come up with some ideas for sight screens.”
The damaged sight-screens left the Victorian Premier Cricket club with no option but to play without them on Saturday – making the club non-compliant with Cricket Victoria policy as it adds an extra risk to the batsmen.
“It’s not compliant for first and second XI – one of the requirements is that we have to have sight screens on our main ground,” Hibbins said.
“So we’ve advised Cricket Victoria and they’ve been very helpful and understanding, but really by the time we get back up over Christmas they need to be fixed.
“Short term, we’re just going to take out the mesh and use a fabric screen – but that won’t last in the winds at Casey Fields, but hopefully will get us through to the end of the season.”
With the Melbourne Stars Family Fun Day a huge success on Sunday, Hibbins said actions like these threatened the enjoyment countless users continued to have at the facility.
“Days like we had yesterday (Sunday) were sensational for the City of Casey and the club and to bring that quality of sport and cricket to Casey Fields really showcases the facilities we have,” Hibbins said.
“We’ve got one of the best grounds and facilities in Australia, so it’s disappointing that they are not respected.”
Anyone with information about the attacks is encouraged to contact Cranbourne police station on 5991 0600.