Casey crosses the digital divide

Casey''s new Mayor Cr Sam Aziz has taken to the top job online, with a Mayoral Twitter account. Mayor Cr Aziz sent out his first tweet on Friday 6 November in his second week as Mayor.


IT’S a week of firsts for Casey’s new top dog.
City of Casey mayor Sam Aziz has been in the mayoral chair less than two weeks and has managed to launch a whole new digital age for the fastest growing municipality in the state.
Taking to Twitter to unveil council’s online strategy ‘Digital Casey’ on Friday 6 November, Cr Aziz’s first tweet read:
“Council has adopted #digitalCasey – the @CityofCasey digital strategy – . So the Mayor’s office is #goingdigital.”
Under the Twitter handle @MayorofCasey Cr Aziz said he will be following as many people as he can.
“I’m starting at a very high level I’ll be following the Prime Minister and of course key community groups in Casey and mayors from big cities around the world,” Cr Aziz said.
Taking to social media on his personal iPhone Cr Aziz said he can’t rule out a selfie or two spamming Twitter feeds.
“Kevin Rudd made the whole country understand what a selfie is and I’ve already taken a few in my first week as mayor,” he said.
In a fitting launch of the council’s digital push toward online services Cr Aziz said the Mayoral Twitter account will be passed on to all the mayors that follow him.
“We believe in transparency and bringing the community along with us as we achieve on their behalf,” Cr Aziz said.
“It’s about instant communication with the residents of Casey and a way for them to make comment from the comfort of their own lounge room,” he said.
To read up on Digital Casey’s innovative opportunities visit