Shortfall hits libraries’ bottom line


AN unexpected drop of $18,500 in State Government funds for the Casey-Cardinia Library Corporation (CCLC) has prompted South Eastern Metropolitan Region MP Inga Peulich to look for answers.
The funds delivered in July highlighted that the library corporation’s annual increase in funding was below the state average.
A statement released from Ms Peulich’s office noted that the State Government was delivering an average increase of 2.5 per cent in funding to Victorian libraries.
However the corporation has received an increase of 2.38 per cent.
“Casey is the third fastest growing municipality and it is essential that its library services are adequately funded,” Ms Peulich said.
The corporation’s customer services manager of 18 years Pru Menzies said that in her time she couldn’t recall a similar dip in funds.
“There was no reason given for the drop – our CEO Peter Carter has written to all local MPs and to my knowledge we haven’t received a response from the State Government outlining how the funds were allocated,” Ms Menzies said.
The library corporation was awarded more than $2 million but Ms Peulich said “Daniel Andrews and the State Labor Government have failed to properly fund library services in the City of Casey that will impact important services for the community.”
Ms Menzies said the annual funds are spent on operational expenses, running costs, material and basic library services.
“I’m not entirely sure how the State Government divides the funds, there is a formula based on population and need but we are a growing population and it’s disappointing,” Ms Menzies said.
Ms Peulich has called on Minister for Local Government Natalie Hutchins to investigate the funding allocation in a bid to get the corporation’s full share of 2.5 per cent.