HEALTHY food and healthy relationships were the theme at Rangebank Preschool this morning (Wednesday).
Parents and grandparents were welcomed to a community engagement breakfast run by teacher Barbara Ryan-Perkins.
“We are always encouraging healthy eating at Rangebank and this was a fantastic way to get the children and their families together with good food,” Ms Ryan-Perkins said.
More than 65 friends of the preschool enjoyed toast, cereal and juice all supplied by Woolworths Cranbourne.
Ms Ryan-Perkins said involving the shopping giant was a great way to introduce the wider community into the preschool.
“Without the assistance and contribution of Woolworths the breakfast wouldn’t have gone ahead,” she said.
Children got to butter their toast with the help of Woolworths employees Colin, Billie, Bianca and Ilene.
“Mornings like these improve the children’s communication skills and help to enhance their knowledge of healthy food,” she said.
After this success Ms Ryan-Perkins and her group of 36 preschool children have decided to continue running the community engagement breakfasts with the help of Woolworths.