New road on life’s journey

Three-month-old Ava had her eyes on a cuppa. 138709 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS


RECORD numbers of people gathered at the Balla Balla Community centre on Friday 29 May for a cup of tea and a chat for the Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea.
More than $2000 was raised on the day and Maree Cullinan, manager at the centre said it was an amazing morning.
“Our target was $2000 and we definitely achieved that and raised more money than last year,” she said.
Councillor Amanda Stapledon opened the day and inspirational guest speaker Kate Welk spoke about her own three-and-a-half-year journey with cancer.
“Kate’s speech was very positive, she spoke about noticing the hidden gems – sometimes a tornado comes along and throws you off course from your yellow brick road but perhaps it becomes a different road and provides you with different opportunities,” Ms Cullinan said.
Cakes, frittatas, scones with jam and cream, slices and tea and coffee were all on offer and children aged two to four from the centre’s Groovin’ Kids program sang a song.
“It was so cute. About 10 of them sang about love and inspiration and they had been practising for weeks,” Ms Cullinan said.
A total of 118 people attended the sit-down morning tea and 25 lucky guests went home with a raffle prize donated from local community organisations and businesses.
In its fourth year, Casey Senior Citizen of the year Rita Hartney hosted the morning tea and Ms Cullinan said the event will continue to run at the centre.
“All the money raised goes to the Cancer Council of Victoria for cancer research and the morning certainly inspired people,” she said.