State’s top skaters square off

Upside down doesn't faze Rhys Rogers as he proved the crowd favourite at The Shed. 137835 Picture: JARROD POTTER

ROCKING the bowl for another year at The Shed, the state’s best and brightest on their scooters, bikes and skateboards squared off for the Skate Park Leagues’ South Eastern Series round 5 competition. Making up part of the Rock n Skate Festival in Cranbourne over the weekend, the best riders and skaters from around the state descended to take on the competition and move one step closer to becoming South East champion.
Captivating the crowd was Devon Meadows’ dynamo Rhys Rogers – who starred on his scooter to pull off a double back-flip off the quarter-pipe. The Skate Park Leagues takes on Wonthaggi this Sunday before heading to Dandenong on Saturday 2 May.