Food for thought

MY HAT goes off to the young digger featured in last week’s edition of the News. The returned soldier, “a Cranbourne boy“ at heart, who risked his life along with others in his unit to save countless lives, is a true hero, deserving of the highest accolades.
Such an inspiration doing his speaking tour, raising awareness about the dangers that they face on a daily basis while oversees and also about the difficulties of readjusting to civilian life.
But unfortunately we live in world of consumerism, twisted priorities and so-called “celebrity“ worshipping. No wonder the returned soldiers find it hard to reconnect with old friends, and readjust to the so-called normal life.
In my opinion, the men and women that put their lives in danger, and sometimes pay the ultimate sacrifice so we can have the lifestyle and freedom that we take for granted, are the real celebrities. But these humble diggers are not doing it for the glory and the fame. Food for thought?
Florin Bordei,
Hampton Park.