Appalling abuse

Pastor Graeme Cann has been a passionate supporter of the CHALLENGE campaign since it started. 129933 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS


AS A man, I am obviously appalled by the statistics relating to the abuse of women and children, especially the fact that 96 per cent of all abusers are men.
I feel both ashamed and outraged. Ashamed that I am part of a society where, for such a long time, concerned and courageous women have raised their voices in protest against gender inequality and the imbalance of power between males and females. And outraged that we as men have been largely silent.
We have been content to make it somebody else’s problem. Well that attitude must end now.
It is time for all men who believe that every human being, male or female, is a unique person of intrinsic worth and equal standing, stand up together and shout “no” to violence against women. It is time to shake off our shame and our apathy and join the growing number of voices around the world who are saying that violence against women and children is no longer acceptable. There is never a reason to “say it with your fists”. There is never an excuse for intimidating another with abusive words and there is nothing more inexcusable than controlling or manipulating another person simply to meet our own needs.
November is White Ribbon Month and it is a great time for genuine men to do two things. First we must ask ourselves whether we are content to be part of the problem by remaining silent in the face of increasing violence against women and children, or whether we are going to be part of the answer by speaking up. Secondly, we can become champions of the cause of equality. We can wear a white ribbon, attend a White Ribbon Day event, speak to our friends and our colleagues and above all, live our lives in a way that reflects honour and respect for all people.
The Casey Pastors Network represents a number of Casey Churches which are determined to contribute to the community’s aim to reduce the incidence of domestic violence in our city. We also believe that the Church should be one of the safe places in our community where survivors of violence can find understanding and support .
Whatever way we look at it, violence against women and children must stop. We can and must be a united voice that is clearly heard.
The Casey Pastors Network White Ribbon breakfast will be held on Saturday 22 November at City Edge, in Narre Warren. For more information, contact Pastor Cann on 0438 311 380, or at
Graeme Cann is a member of the Casey Pastors Network and a Mentor in the Challenge Programme.