Mayor backs himself

THE mayor is praising himself, saying that Casey is the first council to give back the carbon tax (while according to the Herald Sun a few weeks back, Casey was on the list of not passing the tax on last year).
Cr Ablett now says rates will be up only 5.9 per cent instead of 6.3 per cent. Well, over the last few years my rates have gone up by more than the quoted price rise. My rates went up last year by 8.9 per cent.
When I called to question this I was told it was because my house value was up due to some houses in my area selling for $600,000 plus.
I told them those houses are on acreage, not on a normal block like mine.
When you get your rates the rise should reflect what they say. Like this year they say 5.9 per cent, so that’s what I expect to pay. Same for the fire levy. I used to pay $75 with my insurance, now I am charged $100 plus another $50 for land value.
Does part go to the government for the fire brigade? I think not.
And as for the Casey cultural precinct, it is a total waste of money. Who needs it? No-one, except councillors to make out they’re doing something.
I for one do not use the two disgusting pools that they built at ratepayers’ cost. I go to Mornington rather than go to Casey pools.
Casey councillors keep building infrastructure such as basketball, football, tennis courts. With the high cost of living, kids won’t be able to afford to play all these sports.
I also agree that any councillor that is going into state election should quit, as Col Colson said in last week’s paper.
Colin Perry,