Cain says they’re not able

THE children’s story of the ’Little Engine that Could’ and in the story does. The adult version might be ‘The Big Government that Can Not and Does Not’ or will not. This is or is not an original way to open a letter, depending on who is reading. Unfortunately, for many of us there is nothing very intelligent or ethical in the way, after almost a year in office, Mr Abbott, Mr Hockey and company are conducting themselves and the affairs of government. These affairs and their conduct impact all of us ordinary Australians.
In the domestic political sense, there has not been one positive policy. Plenty of policies which penalise us, eg pensioners, students, the disabled and the unemployed. If Mr Hockey were to have his way, to be unemployed would almost be a criminal offence, no matter the reason. The purpose seems to be division, i.e. “haves” against “have nots”. Added to this is the most punitive, inept and plain immoral budget in living memory, which if implemented will make life a misery for many.
One can hope this government will start to act as a government and govern for all. Not continue to be the careless, idealess, leaderless rabble they currently are. If not, come 2016 or earlier, their turn will come and they will be delt with and deservedly so.This remains to be seen. It is up to them to try to act as human begins.
Geoff Cain,
Endeavour Hills.