STUDENTS at Rivercrest Christian College have been given the opportunity to take a hands-on approach to shaping the design and implementing projects at their new school.
As a part of their inquiry curriculum, Year 1 students explored how physical spaces provide people with opportunities to make connections and establish a sense of community.
They were then given the opportunity to share their ideas on how to build a sense of community at their own school.
The school’s marketing and promotions officer Stuart Alsop said the executive principal, Daniel Pampuch, met with students to discuss their thoughts and to also share with them the future developments planned for the college.
“Students were also encouraged by their teacher, Mrs Caryn Johnson, to reflect on what they thought the college grounds should include to develop a sense of community, and to develop some designs,” he said.
“As a result of the students’ contributions, the college purchased several mobile sandpits and established a picnic area,” he said.
Mr Alsop said the students were also keen to plant fruit trees and create vegetable gardens.
“Several students have eagerly researched what should be planted in the newly established gardens according to the seasons,” he said.
“Other students have been investigating different breeds of chooks to live in the recently constructed chookhouse, also a popular student request.
He said students were keen to incorporate school-grown vegetables as well as eggs from school-raised chooks into class cooking projects.