They came, saw and conquered

Ricky dressed for the occasion and was ready to take on other classrooms to rule the Kilberry Roman Empire. 122165 Pictures: DONNA OATES


AS THE saying goes ‘When in Rome, do as the Romans do’.
Students at Kilberry Valley Primary School did just that as they took a step back in time on Tuesday to battle it out in a series of fun and educational activities to see which class would rule the Kilberry Roman Empire.
Principal Neil Cunningham, or Julius Caesar as he was known for the day, addressed the students to kick off the festivities.
“I, Julius Caesar, declare today to be a momentous day in the life of the Kilberry Roman Empire,” he said.
“Today all the sections of Rome before me, will be competing against each other for this crown upon my head and with it the right to rule Rome.
“Will you accept the challenges and show others that your Roman class is worthy of this honour?”
Grade six teacher Alex Hayes said what followed was a jam-packed day of ancient Rome themed activities for the students to get involved in.
“The students competed in a best dressed competition before heading off to gladiator school to compete in various physical and team building activities,” she said.
“The students attended Roman school to brush up on their basic Latin and Roman numerals and learn how to cook an ancient Roman recipe.
“The students were also set four class activities to compete against the other grade six classes including making catapults, preforming a Julius Caesar skit, making chariots and practising different Roman army drill formations.
“The students then attended the amphitheatre to challenge each other to the above activities and see which class would be crowned victorious.”
Ms Hayes said the idea for the themed day came about after a suggestion from students to further their studies on what they have been learning in the classroom.