PHILLIP Johnson was one of the driving forces behind the Australian designed garden that made history at the Royal Horticultural Society Chelsea Flower Show last year.
Now the seasoned professional will share his knowledge and expertise at a special event which is being hosted by the Friends of the Royal Botanic Gardens (RBG) Cranbourne next month.
The group has organised a lecture by Mr Johnson on Saturday 19 July based on the topic How to Win Best in Show at Chelsea.
Friends of the RBG Cranbourne co-ordinator of activities Rodger Elliot said the event was not to be missed for all gardening and horticulture enthusiasts.
“In May 2013, a ground-breaking announcement, especially for Australians, was made at the centenary year of the RHS Chelsea Flower Show with an Australian garden exhibit being awarded a gold medal and also taking out the highly acclaimed Best in Show award,” he said.
“It was the first time in the history of the long-running Chelsea Flower Show that an Australian exhibit was awarded Best in Show.
“For many years Wes Fleming of Fleming’s Nursery has been taking landscape designers and contractors to the Chelsea Flower Show each year to promote Australian design and horticultural practice.
“In 2013, it was the unique, magical and outstanding design of our speaker Phillip Johnson that was built by a band of enthusiastic Australian volunteers that more than just turned the heads of the RHS judging panel.
“They were completely seduced by the design and the finished product. There had never been a garden like it at Chelsea.
“So why not come and hear Phillip in person on 19 July as he describes this fantastic adventure in detail and he will also bring us up to date on some of his current and future projects.”
The event will run from 2pm at the Australian Garden Auditorium at the RBG Cranbourne.
Cost is $25 for members of the group or $30 for non-members.
Bookings are essential and can be made at www.rbg.vic.gov.au/support/support-groups/friends-of-rbg/cranbourne/activities.
Download a booking form at the base of the activities listing.
For further information phone 8774 2483 or 9769 7881.