High standards celebrated


MORE than 80 hopeful businesses will have to wait until August to learn if they are in the running to win a Casey Cardinia Business Award this year.
City of Casey manager of eonomic development David Wilkinson said more than 80 business awards applications were received by the closing date on 16 May and the judging process would be extremely difficult due to the exceptionally high standard of the entrants.
This year’s applications cover a wide range of businesses from sole operators to large enterprises which shows the diversity of those working within the region.
Mr Wilkinson said the Casey Cardinia Business Awards were a great way to acknowledge and celebrate the many outstanding businesses operating in the Casey Cardinia region.
“It is an opportunity to recognise excellence and support the region’s thriving business community,” he said.
“As a follow on from the highly successful individual award programs of both the City of Casey and Cardinia Shire Council, these inaugural regional awards are a chance to bring attention to the local success stories by showcasing the great work being done across the Casey Cardinia region.”
Finalists for the Casey Cardinia Business Awards will be announced at a function which is to be held at Monash University on Thursday 14 August.
Winners will be announced at a gala dinner which is to be held on 9 October at the Cardinia Cultural Centre.