A VISIT from high-profile priest Father Bob McGuire was the centrepiece of Catholic Education Week celebrations at St Peter’s College.
The media personality, described as ‘part Billy Connolly, part angry Old Testament prophet and part compassionate Mother Theresa’ visited the Cranbourne school on Wednesday 7 May.
Religious education leader Stephen Nash said Fr McGuire’s visit was the highlight of the week-long celebrations, where he interacted directly with student classes and conducted an informal presentation for students at lunchtime.
“During this week, we were looking to celebrate what it means to be catholic,” Mr Nash said.
“It is my belief that Fr Bob embodies all the best of the catholic spirit.
“His main messages to students and staff alike encompassed the messages to care for others and be nice.”
The school also held a number of other activities throughout Catholic Education Week, including a religious art competition and student lunchtime concert.
There was also a daily communal prayer undertaken throughout the college each morning and a catholic education ‘quote of the day’ staff email sent at the beginning of each day.
Deputy principal David Hansen said activities throughout the week were constructed to encourage staff and students alike to reflect on the great privilege they should feel being involved in catholic education.
“Catholic Education Week gives us the chance to celebrate the contribution of our catholic community to educating, not only our catholic youth, but also our wider community,” he said.
“My aim is to communicate to our students that they should reflect on their appreciation of the role of their families as the first formatters in the student’s faith journey and the partnership that we at St Peter’s College have, as a catholic school, with the families of the students.”