MORE than 120 people united at Cranbourne Racecourse last week to help tackle the problem of suicide – one step at a time.
Emotions ran high at the third annual Long Walk for Life on Saturday 26 April as teams of people touched by suicide walked together in wet and cold conditions for 10 hours.
The event raised more than $4100, with money still coming in, for Cranbourne organisation, Life! Central, which can now offer scholarships to agencies and people who want to learn about suicide intervention and prevention.
Organiser Julie Bendall, who lost her brother Jeffrie Reardon in 2000 to suicide, said a highlight of the event was when all participants released balloons at the end in memory of those they had lost.
“Releasing the balloons as a community and showing we are coming together to prevent suicide was a highlight,” she said.
“It was always going to be a touching day, but people supported each other, shared stories and met new people.
“The enthusiasm to keep walking in the cold and rain was very moving.
“We had several young people, aged about 12, that were down there most of the day and kept walking and offering help throughout the day.
“To see young ones involved that have been touched by suicide, believing they can make a difference, was a rewarding experience.”
The event came about after Ms Bendall walked from Adelaide to Cranbourne in 15 days in 2011 to raise awareness and funds for suicide and depression in memory of her brother.
Ms Bendall said many people asked her during that time how they could help and get involved.
That’s when the Long Walk for Life was born, with 100 people taking part in the inaugural event in 2012.
Ms Bendall said she wanted to thank all the businesses and people involved in this year’s event who helped make it a success.
To find out more about suicide intervention and prevention training call Life! Central on 5996 7011.