TOORADIN Primary School’s Human Power Vehicles (HPV) teams are off and racing for another year.
Last month two teams competed in The Wonthaggi Human Powered Grand Prix where they raced the school’s two HPV – The Flamin’ Mozzies and Red Rocket.
The teams competed over two days on Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 March, where they recorded a few good results.
Tooradin Primary School early years coordinator Rachel Davis said the teams loved everything about racing the HPVs.
“Both teams worked together to plan race strategies, support each other through the challenges and share in the thrill of their shared success,” she said.
“Students even managed to keep up their spirits when part of the steering broke, but thanks to the dedicated efforts of an amazing team of parents, the vehicle was repaired and back on the track to make up lost time.
“Much to everyone’s surprise and delight, The Flamin’ Mozzies won the Design and Construction Award in the Junior Category.
“Students are hoping that their fine efforts racing in the Red Rocket vehicle at this event, combined with the other races in the Casey Cycling Festival, may give them a chance to win the overall championship for the third year running.”
Ms Davis said the school now wanted to raise funds to purchase a new HPV to continue their racing and learning about a more sustainable future.
Anyone who could help with donations can contact the school on 5998 3321.